The Hope Collective Advent Guide
Hope | Week 1 | Day 3

“Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has visited and redeemed his people. He has sent us a mighty Savior from the royal line of his servant David, just as he promised through his holy prophets long ago. Now we will be saved from our enemies and from all who hate us.

Luke 1:68-71

The Long-Awaited Visitation

Notice two remarkable things from the words of Zechariah, Elizabeth’s husband, in Luke 1:68–71.

First, nine months earlier, Zechariah had not believed that his wife would have a child. Now, filled with the Holy Spirit, he has become so confident of God’s redeeming work in the coming Messiah that he puts it in the past tense: “He has visited and redeemed his people.” For the mind of faith, a promised act of God is as good as done. Zechariah has learned to take God at his word and so has a remarkable assurance: God “has visited and redeemed!” (Luke 1:68).

Second, the coming of Jesus the Messiah is a visitation of God to our world: the God of Israel has visited and redeemed. For centuries, the Jewish people had languished under the conviction that God had withdrawn: the spirit of prophecy had ceased, and Israel had fallen into the hands of Rome. And all the godly in Israel were awaiting the visitation of God. Luke tells us that another old man, the devout Simeon, was “waiting for the consolation of Israel” (Luke 2:25). Likewise, the prayerful Anna was “waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem” (Luke 2:38).

These were days of great expectation. Now the long-awaited visitation of God is about to happen—indeed, he is about to come in a way no one has expected.

— Taken from Good News of Great Joy: 25 Devotional Readings for Advent by John Piper, Copyright © 2021 by Desiring God Foundation. Used by permission of Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers, Wheaton, IL 60187,


I praise you Lord today for coming to earth as Messiah and for providing redemption for all people, including me. Like Zechariah, help me to take you at your word, and with great assurance trust in your divine presence and purpose.


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