hope for the whole person

The world needs what Jesus has to offer.

Now more than ever, people need hope. As The Hope Collective, we have embraced the hope of Jesus and have committed to living out that hope in every part of our lives. We believe hope belongs to everyone, and that includes you.

How do we live out this hope?

We gather to glorify, coming together at the end of the week to celebrate who God is and what He’s done in and through us.

We group to grow, knowing that real change doesn’t happen without real relationships.

We go fight giants, joining God on His mission to right the wrongs of injustice in all its forms

Join us on Sundays at 9AM & 11AM

Where can I take the next step?

HopeCo offers a place for everyone to be known, encouraged, challenged, and loved. There are no prerequisites to participate or join; just come as you are and find the hope of Jesus.

What are we learning?

Better Tomorrow: Seven Reasons for a Life of Hope

Date: January 5 – February 23, 2025

Everywhere you look people seem to be losing hope. Confused and overwhelmed by the world around us, it’s easy to give in to apathy and despair. Even in the church we seem to be losing touch with the “reason for the hope that we have.” But that hope isn’t out of reach. When we remember all the reasons that God has given us for the confident expectation of a better tomorrow, we get to step out of a life of fear and into a life of hope.

Join The Hope Collective, Sundays at 9am and 11am on campus or online at live.thehopeco.com.

Where can I start sharing hope?

Find ways to share hope at The Hope Center. The Hope Center exists to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to a broken world. Those of us who have experienced the hope of God are compelled and delighted to share this hope with others.

Upcoming Events

View our full events calendar here

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