Access Kids serves to provide / hope and support / to families and children, ages infant-5th grade, so that they are able to access / the teachings, worship, and discipleship / within THCO Kids.


During the 11:00am Sunday Gathering, our team of trained volunteers would love to provide your VIP with a “Buddy” to help them participate in their grade level classroom or the Access classroom, a sensory friendly space with teaching at their level. If this is your first time with The Hope Collective, please register your child before attending the gatherings so our team can best care for your VIP.
In order to ensure the adequate number of Buddies for your VIP, we ask that you let us know if they will be attending each Sunday!


The Hope Collective is excited to partner with Nathaniel’s Hope to bring Buddy Break to our community. Buddy Break is a free 3-hour respite program where kids with special needs, ages 2-16, and their siblings, ages 4 to 5th grade, come to make new friends, play games, do crafts, read stories, and much more while the families get a break from their caregiving responsibilities.


For these ministries to run successfully, we need volunteers! Do you have an extra hour or two a week or even a month? We can use you! No experience necessary—we will train! For more information, contact Sam at
For more information, please email our HOPECO Access director, Sam at