Hope: Day 7
Hope is a Gift of Grace
By Teresa Dever

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, while we wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Titus 2:11-13 NIV

Tucked away in the middle of a tiny pastoral letter we find a passage that is rich in wisdom and replete in hope. These verses begin with a statement of the past, share encouragement for us in the present, and close with hope for what is to come. In meditating on this passage, I was drawn to the truth of God’s grace in the form of Jesus Christ, His instruction that we can all depend on in our present day, and the glorious Hope of His second coming.

The Greek word for grace is charis, which means “the unmerited favor of God toward man manifested primarily through the person and work of Jesus, apart from any works of man.” What a beautiful picture! This provides us with a solid foundation to understand that Jesus has gone before us and through him God looks upon us with kindness, joy, and love.

How does this apply to us today? When your days are hard, remember it is God’s grace in the person of Jesus that can carry you. God’s grace is a free gift, generously given to anyone who calls on the name of Jesus. His grace also instructs us, just as a loving parent guides a child into wisdom, pure living, and a joy-filled life.

This brings us to verse 13, which assures us that even while we live in this broken world today, we can point ourselves and others to the day when Jesus Christ comes again to set everything right. That hope is not about going to a particular place or getting glory for ourselves. It is the hope of being with Jesus Himself, face to face, closer than ever.

Note our responsibilities in each verse. God’s grace is offered to us as a free gift through no effort of our own but to receive it (v.11). We participate with Jesus, as a student with a loving teacher, to live as we are being instructed to live through His Word (v.12). Finally, “we look forward with hope” (v.13), an eager anticipation, like a child on Christmas morning, so excited to open that first Christmas present.

Today, you can be that child, sitting on the edge of your chair with bright eyes, saying, “Come, Lord Jesus, come!”


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your perfect Word that fills us with peace, encouragement, and expectant joy. Strengthen us, Lord, in the solid foundation of Your grace that You so willingly have offered to us. Open our hearts to Your daily instruction through Your Holy Spirit that lives in us as Your children. And remind us daily of Your awesome promise that we are one day closer to being in Your glorious presence. May we set our eyes on that hope and live our lives in a way that reflect Your love, joy and peace to those around us. Amen.


Take food, clothing, hygiene necessities or blankets to a homeless shelter or give them directly to a homeless person in your town. 

Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in line.

Watch this short video on “Hope” and send it along to someone who might be encouraged by it.

Family Application

Make real Hot Cocoa with cocoa powder, melted chocolate, sugar and milk of your choice. (See recipe below!) While the cocoa heats, read Luke 2:11 and share with each other something big you are waiting for right now.

You’ll need:

  • 4 cups milk (preferably whole or 2%). Using milk instead of water makes this hot chocolate extra creamy and flavorful. Whole milk or 2% milk is the creamiest, but you can use any milk that you choose.
  • ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • ½ cup bittersweet or semisweet chocolate chips or chopped chocolate bar
  • ¼ teaspoon pure vanilla extract


  • Place the milk of your choice in a saucepan over medium-low heat. 
  • Whisk in cocoa powder and sugar, and heat until warm.
  • Once the milk is warm, add chocolate chips, whisking until they melt into the milk.
  • Add a splash of vanilla extract.
  • Serve immediately, topped with your favorite garnishes: marshmallows, whipped cream, chopped chocolate, crushed candy canes or more.