Hope: Day 1
The Birth That Changed the World
By Ken Gates

For unto you is born this day, in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11 ESV

I was the first person to see my firstborn son. Having waited six years for him, my wife and I had begun to think we would never be parents. I can’t say that we lost hope – hope in the goodness of God, hope in His plan, even hope in some path we didn’t expect to be on. But we had lost hope in having our own biological children. And then … there he was! All of the pain, disappointment, confusion, and heart ache just disappeared. Our long-awaited child had arrived and with Him, hope.

The Jewish people also waited a long time to see the promise of God fulfilled. In the angelic announcement recorded for us by Luke, all their hopes were rekindled. But like any birth, it brought more change than anyone could have imagined.

For unto you – The “you” is plural; whatever this is, it’s for many, not for one.

Is born this day – This good news is placed at a moment in history. It is not the announcement of a new teaching or the rediscovery of some ancient wisdom. It is the arrival of a person.

In the city of David God promised that He would have a descendent of David on the throne for eternity. This phrase points directly to the faithfulness of God to fulfill His promises.

A Savior – This child has a purpose — to save. Only those who need rescuing need a Savior. Here we have a clear message about the condition of those to whom this child is given – “have hope, you who need rescuing, for God has sent a Savior.”

Who is Christ the Lord – This Savior is God’s Anointed One who is and will be king.

That God’s Savior came through birth affirms the dignity and goodness of this material world and our physical existence. That the Savior was born in Bethlehem verifies God’s faithfulness to His promises. That God sent a Savior at all confirms our desperate condition apart from Him. That this Savior is Christ the Lord makes it perfectly clear that this Jesus is God’s Chosen One who will rule forever.

In this birth, humanity was given hope.


Heavenly Father, give us eyes to see and hearts to understand the profound implications of Jesus coming into this world to save us. Grant us the courage to follow him as Lord in all things and fill our hearts with the hope that, as we walk with him, we will grow to be like him. Amen.


Send a text of hope and encouragement to a friend who doesn’t know Jesus, telling them you’re thinking of them this Advent season.

Help a neighbor or friend prepare for Christmas by offering to babysit their kids for no charge. What a gift!

Offer your skills to someone. You have the ability to help out. Find a way today to be helpful to someone.

Family Application

Read Luke 1:26-27. Share your favorite Christmas tradition that you don’t want to miss doing together this year.