Love: Day 17
The Mysterious Love of God
By David Beirne

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16 ESV

God’s love towards us is mysterious. It is unlike any love we’ve ever known. So much of the Christian life is learning how to live in the reality of God’s love towards us every day and in each season of our lives. Let’s consider together the mystery of God’s love for us and how that love, while great, takes time to settle into the deepest places of our soul.

If I were to ask you if God loves you, you might say yes. But do you feel as if God loves you? Does what you believe with your mind match what you believe in the depths of your heart?

Think about a time recently when you were less than loveable. Maybe you spoke harsh words to someone you love or felt shame about something you did. Take a few moments to recall the situation and notice what you feel, physically and emotionally.

Wait a few moments.

Now imagine Jesus being here with you right now. What do you notice about the Son of God? How does He interact with you? What sort of look is on His face? Do you feel comfortable or uncomfortable in His presence?

Now consider the following idea: God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. God’s love is wide enough to move close to you no matter what: the good times, and the bad times, and even the lost times of your life. His love is wide enough to embrace you, even when you are at your worst.

The Father knew what He was doing when He sent Jesus. Jesus knew what it would mean to love you and said you were worth it, no matter the cost. Remember this Advent season that the worst thoughts or feelings you could have about yourself are not the same that God has of you. His love is wide enough to move towards you in each season in your life. Take some time during these next few weeks to explore God’s perspective on you in whatever season of life you may be in.


Father, you have come near to us by sending Your Son Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit, help me to take in Your love during moments when I believe the worst about myself and others. Show me and help me to feel in my soul the mystery of Your love, that I may know Your love with a knowing that goes beyond words.


Send a card to a hospitalized kid through a site like or to someone in the military through a site like

Do you know someone who is ill? Pray for them right now, and then reach out with an encouraging text.

Buy a cup of coffee for someone.

Family Application

Find something small and easy to catch (e.g. plastic Christmas ornament, a ball, a pine cone or stuffed animal). Gather your family in a circle. Each person should take a turn tossing the object to someone and share what they love best about that person. Be sure each person gets a turn to toss and share and be given the gift of words of love.