Hope: Day 6
The Servant
By Alex Gowler

Behold my Servant, whom I uphold,
My Chosen, in whom My soul delights
I will put My Spirit upon Him
He will bring justice to the nations
He will not shout or cry out
Or raise His voice in the street;
A bruised reed He will not break,
And a dimly burning wick He will not snuff out;
He will faithfully bring forth justice.
He will not falter or grow discouraged
Until He has established justice on the earth;
In His teaching the islands will put their hope.
Isaiah 42:1-4 NIV

The nations gather before the throne of God, a court assembled to debate the case: who is the one true God, capable of steering history and bringing salvation to His people? (Isaiah 41)

The nations of the world have nothing to say. They are as mute as their idols and false gods, powerless to determine the course of history and shape their fate on the face of God’s good earth.

Then, a booming voice echoes through the room: “Behold.” Every head turns to see the face of the One whom God calls, “My Servant.” He is the One whom God upholds; the One He strengthens to accomplish His will in power and authority.

“My Chosen,” God says, “in whom My soul delights.” This is no mere worker, but a cherished and Anointed One unlike the host of angels who serve The Almighty. The intensity of His gaze is too much to bear and the nations drop their faces in shame.

“I will put My Spirit upon Him,” declares the Lord, “and He will bring justice to the nations.” Every eye in the court grows wide. What kind of justice will this Servant bring? Surely such judgment leaves no room for mercy and His wrath no room for kindness. The nations are dismayed and without hope.

“He will not shout or cry out, or raise His voice in the street.” Every brow in the court furrows in confusion. What kind of justice comes without the clamor of battle and struggle? Surely they must pay the penalty for their rebellion against the Lord.

“A bruised reed He will not break, and a dimly burning wick He will not snuff out. He will faithfully bring forth justice.” Every eye in the court once again grows wide, yet this time not for fear of judgment. As they look into the face of the Servant, there is an unexpected tenderness. Beneath the blaze of glory is a depth of knowing and of love yet unknown among the warring nations.

“He will not falter or grow discouraged, until He has established justice on the earth; In His teaching the islands will put their hope.” Who is this One, this Servant of Justice and Gentleness, fulfilling the will of the Lord in faithfulness under the joyful gaze of God? Who is this One who breaks the grip of fear and replaces it with Hope?

His name is Jesus. Emmanuel: God with us. Heaven, come to earth.


O God of unexpected Hope, we thank you for the gift of Jesus. Into our darkness, you sent Light. Into our rebellion, you sent Justice. Into our hate, you sent Love. When the nations had given up all hope of grace, you sent your Servant to bring all people back to yourself. May the reminder of this unexpected Hope give us strength no matter how uncertain the future may seem. Amen.


As you spend time waiting today (in line at school, at the checkout, at a stop light) think about the reality of Jesus’ arrival to earth that ended years of waiting, and pray for someone you know who is waiting for some good in their life. 

Take time to listen—really listen—to a friend, co-worker, or family member. Be present with them as they share.

Wait! Allow a car to merge into your lane ahead of you.

Family Application

Read Luke 2:6. Using Google Maps, take a look at the modern-day streets of Bethlehem. What do you think Bethlehem was like when Jesus was born?