Love: Day 16
The Amazing Christmas Love of God
By Tim Rezac

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8 NIV

Romans 5:8 may seem an odd verse to associate with Christmas. Since it observes the death of Jesus, wouldn’t it be more appropriate for Good Friday or even Easter? But look at the first part of the verse which reveals the motivation behind Christ’s death: God’s personal love for us.

Our salvation is completely saturated in the profound love of God. And what love it is!

A definition of biblical love might be helpful to provide: attitudes and actions sacrificially given for the well-being of another. Love is not simply emotions or romantic feelings. Nor is it passive. God’s love for us is deliberate and active: “God demonstrates“…”Christ died.” In other words, love does.

There’s something even more amazing about this Christmas love, though. It is shown to us “while we were still sinners…” God sent His Son not because we were good enough or made it on the “Nice List.” God sent His Son because He loved us — even in our sinful and rebellious state.

Christmas is amazing grace showered on us before we were ever saved by faith. Christmas is steeped in God’s love for each of us and His love is woven throughout the entire salvation plan from birth to resurrection: love in a womb, love in a manger, love on a cross, love in a tomb, love arose! Before we ever asked God for help or even become aware of our need for Him, Christ died for us because God loved us.

It was in the Christ child that God demonstrates His love for us. More specifically, it was in the Christ child that God demonstrated His love for you. The name Jesus means “the Lord saves.” Christ died for us, as the verse says. That is the ultimate purpose of Christmas. If you haven’t yet trusted Christ as your Savior, will you do so today?


God, I am grateful for the immense love you have for me. I admit that I am a sinner in need of your saving grace. You love me so much that you sent your Son, Jesus, to die for my sins. I trust you right now to save my soul and begin an eternal relationship with me. Thank you that I can call you my Heavenly Father! Amen.


Ask your spouse or a family member, “What can I do to make your day better today?”

Invite your friend or neighbor over for a meal this season.

Family Application

Share your favorite Christmas movies with each other. Then pick one or two and make some popcorn and settle down in Christmas pajamas for a Christmas movie marathon.